Monday, August 14, 2017

Doll-A-Day 2017 #226:Mr. and Mrs. Mouse

  Today's dolls are from my yard saling the weekend before last. Their a mouse couple.

I have a weakness for anthropomorphic mice.I always have.I always loved the kid's stories and cartoons with the little mice in the matchbox bed, etc. I love Brambly Hedge.So when I found these two at a church sale I couldn't resist. I want to make them a mouse house.
They were made by Russ Berrie.

They stand just 6" tall.

Mr. Mouse has a cone shaped body with tiny stub feet.

Mrs. Mouse fares even worse:

She has no feet at all!

They have floppy arms though.

And Mrs. Mouse has a basket of,uhh...apples and peaches?

I have a mouse just like these guys, only in skiing gear, that I've had since the 80's. I'm guessing these two must be from around the same time. That makes them over 30 years old.

Well, don't get your whiskers out of joint.

See you tomorrow for another doll.


  1. One of my favorites books was Ralph S. Mouse. :)

    1. Yes! And "The Mouse and the Motorcycle"! I loved those books and read them to the kids, when I discovered there is a third one. When I was a kid, "The Mouse and the Motorcycle was so popular that it was really hard to catch on the library. I finally got my own copy.


Thanks in advance for your comments.